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Catalog Request
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Call our Customer Service Hotline at
805-481-6300 (Central California) for a copy of our 2001 Edition Catalog
that contains Perry's popular Tech Tip articles. These are the same
illustrated, how-to articles you've seen printed in the leading Harley
hot-rod publications, and much, much more!
Or, simply fill out the form below, submit
it with payment (see below), and we'll send you a catalog ASAP. Cost of
the catalog will be deducted from your first order.
Catalog pricing
Credit card price for the catalog: $25
(Franchised Harley-Davidson dealers, N/C.)
Fill out this form online and click the Submit Catalog Request button at the
Check or money order price: $20. (Print and
mail this form, along with check or money order,
to FLO Headworks, 1150 Pike Lane, #2, Oceano, CA, 93445.)
Catalog cost will be deducted from your first